
検索サイトの将来 - Googleの事例 -


この講演の中で個人的に面白かった話は、消費電力を抑える話です。PUE(Power Usage Efficiency?)という単位があって、その値をどれだけ下げられるか、といった点で世界中が競いあっている模様。現状は、Japanが1.9 PUEで、U.S.が1.7 PUEとなっていて、両国とも1.2 PUE台を目指してるらしいけど、Googleインフラは既に1.2 PUE台付近まで到達しているとかいないとか。

他の講演内容は以下のメモに記してあるので、興味の在る方をご参照してください。例によって誤認/誤訳があるかも。あと, 質問したかったけど指名されなかった。アピールが足りなかったか。

--- 以下、メモ ---
1. Outline
60 min speech and 20 min Q&A
- Search engine in the future

2. Background
- Starting as a Ph. D. research project
- Venture captalist invests to what the idea will succeed, even if it is in danger
- First company was in University of Avenue.
-- Yahoo! is also started in Stanford Univ.
-- Yahoo!=index vs. Google=search like the list at the end of books.
-- Google = search using word
-- Mission Statement:
--- Collect all information all over the world.
- Information can be accessed from anywhere
- Anyone can use it
- Provide such services for free.
-- Income is Only ad fee.
-- 2 trillion Yen? (2cho-en)

3. What services Google provides?
- Gmail: search e-mails
- contents are for free?
-- Google does not have any contents
--- Google just only lets users know where contents are.
--- Connect users to contents
- Google Search Engines
-- Web, News, Books, Scholor, Map
- Servers are made by Google and other supporting companies.
-- Never buy from other companies.
-- Optimized Servers for searches (one of initial statements)
- Cloud Computing
-- for free initially, but due to demand from venders, it cost 6,000 per year (ordinalily it costs 60,000 yen)
-- Green IT, friendly for Environment.
- Google App Engine
-- scalable for extending software.
- Google commits to Green New-Deal Plans
-- Google provides the plans with huge Data Center
- It is not enoufh to reduce cost of HW, but also to reduce cost of Energy Consumption.
-- which is called Efficient Computing
-- PUE: Power Usage Effectiveness
---Total Facility Power/ IT Equipment Power(what machine uses)
-- Japan is under 1.9 PUE
-- U.S. is 1.7 PUE
-- Goal: 1.2 PUE
--- Google is already near to 1.2 PUE
--- Clean Energy will be needed for the future.
--- Google is going to prove Solar Panel Effectiveness
--- RE Smart *** is extentions from Smart Grid.
--- Smart Community.
--- Google cannot expect what applications will be appeared in Smart Grid Age.
-- What Projects are running?
--- Started from Visializing Power Consumption.
-- Clean Energy 2030, Google Proposal
--- How we generate Energy?
--- Optimizing Wind, Fire, Solar, Land, Bio, etc.
--- Power Consumptions will increase for the future, but we will be able to control it in adequate levels by optimization.
--- Google looks at Power Consumption of Cars.
---- Prius, Toyota.
--- Gasoline should be replaced with Energy ASAP.
--- Google Expectations: Plug-in cars will increase dramatically.
---- But Plug-in cars increase more than the expectations

1. When looking for Ideas, Google Watch Top Conference?
- E.g. Web-based Operating System(SOSP'07)
2. Chromium OS and Android OS will continue to be open?