Today, I dropped by this web page below.
,where there are so unique sentences, thou? i was not able to look at the sentences, such as the title of this post, without laughing. this is, we can probably say, 2channelic english. even now, u know, i can't write english politely, and can't produce english with uniqueness. so i hope i could handle english as funny as the sentences on the webpage, not only to straight express stuff.
i wonder if i finish weekly homework...but, i believe it's ok because i got the proverb(?)...
...IT'S NOT TIME FOR PANIC YET, though i'm going to participate in camp tommorow. right?
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sorry for rough sentence!
see ya later, alligator!
International Intern

完 全 燃 焼 orz
--- sample 1 ---
This is my professor, Professor Tanaka. He received a Ph.D. in economics from Tokyo University and is the professor of Introduction Class I took. He also teaches several other classses in the economics department of Waseda University. He is maried and has two daughters.
--- sample 2 ---
This is myinstructor, Professor Kinoshita. He got his doctorate at osaka University. He teaches my favorite English literature class. His speciality iws actually American literature, but he seems to enjoy teaching the class. He is still rather young and not married yet.
--- exercise essay ---
こちらは私の政治学担当の小川先生です。私のだいがくで 博士号を取得された後すぐ動向で教鞭を取られました。講師をされる傍ら政治学の学生のアドバイザーもなさっています。ご結婚されており3人のお子さんがいらっしゃいます。
This is my teacher, Mr.Ogawa in Politics Science. He has a class at the university I attended, as soon as he received a Ph.D. from the university. In addition, he advises students who are majoring in Politics Science. He is married and has three sons.
--- sample 1 ---
I will never forget when I first met my best friend. I was new to school, and lost my way at a corridor, looking for my classroom. She asked me if I needed help. We started talking and found that we were in the same math class. After that, we have been best friends.
--- sample 2 ---
One of my unforgettable experiences was when I studied abroad in Spain for a year. I was stunned to find a world and a way of life that I had never seen before. Also, there are so many regions and cultures within Spain itself. I began to realize that there are ofdten more differences within a culture thatn between cultures. This seems like what I probably cound not learn, if I had not gone out.
--- exercise essay ---
One of my undorgettable experiences was what I was asked to be an extra of the movie. The movie was producing at our campus for a week, so the persons who come or go out at the front of the library were needed. The work itself was easy and even bored for me, but I was really excited because I had an oppotunity to see the director of the filem and two main characters.
[Section two class 2]
I prefer to study with a group of students for the following reasons.
First, I can learn more by studying with a froup of students. For example, in 1995 when I was en eleventh grader in Kaisei High School, a provate high school in Tokyo, Japan, I often studied English with some of my claswsmates after school. One of them, Tanaka, was the best student in calss. Another one, Suzuki, lived in America for six years when he was in elementary school. They both knew a lot about English then, and they helped me a lot when we studied together. I knew a lot of kanji, Chinese-Japanese characters, and they learned them from me in turn. We learned a lot from each other as a group. If I had not studied with others, I would not have learned more about English. As the above example shows, I strongly believe that I can learn more by studying with a group of students.
[Writing Sample Question]
Q: Why do people remember special gifts or presents that they have received?
A: People remember special gifts or presents that they have received for the following reasons.
1. Those gifts are meminders of important events in one's life.
2. Those gifts can often make unforgettable memories.
3. Those gifts are often given during holidays and birthdays.
4. Those gifts are sometimes expensive and rare.
Hint: 5W1H
When I turned sixteen, I received a new car from my parents.
When I was in college, I received a hand-made card from my friend.
When I graduated from high school, my grandfather gave me his heirloom watch.
When I was in elementary school, I received a book for my birthday. The book was a children's story, written in English, about a boy and his favorite tree. It was called "The Giving Tree" and had a beautiful green cover.
When I turned twenty-one ( the legal drinking age in the U.S.), my friends took me out to a bar for the first time. We ate and drank and enjoyed ourselves late into the night. At the end of the evening, they presented me with a nice wine rack.
On my seventh birthday, my parents and I went to my grandaparents'house to have dinner. after dinner, while I was sitting on the couch watching televeision, my dad handesd me a gift-wrapped package.
When I was in high school, I often baby sat for my neighbors' children. There was a girl whom I often used to look after. Her favorite book was "The Giving Tree." She would always refuse to go to bed unless I read the book to her at bedtime.
When I got married, my mother gabe me the dress she wore to her own wedding. Also, my fiance did not have to buy a ring because my father gave mje his dead mother's wedding band. These gifts wereo unique and priceless to me.
This book was my first English book. It became my favorite, and it also helped me to become motivated about learning English.
It is easy to remember special gifts because they often mark the passage of time or the seasons. Also, since some of these gifts are rare and cannot be bought easily, people treasure them.
--- Ex. essay ---
i believe people remember special gifts or presents that they have reverived for the following reasons.
First, special gists or presents can often make unforggettab le memories. For example, when I got married, my mother gave me the dress she wore to her own wedding. Also, my fiance did not have to buy a ring because my father gave me his dead mother7s weddin band. Their gifts werte unique and priceless to me. I have reasured trhem and rememberd them very clearly.
Second, special gifts or presents can ........
[Basec pettern exercise]
Theme: express your emotion
Structure: I am/was/feel/felt-- at/with/for~, because~.
--- pattern 1 ---
When I talked to my boss, I felt --- because he ---.
When I talked to my boss, I felt intimidated because he was very unkind.
When I talked to my boss, I felt encouraged because he supported my proposal.
When I talked to my boss, I felt sad because he told me I was fired.
--- patter 2 ---
My --- gave me a C on my final paper, which made me --- because ---.
My teacher gave me a C on my final paper, which made me angry because I thought I deserved an A.
My professor gave me a C on my finla paper, which made me happy because I thought I might fail the assignment.
My history professort gave me a C on my final paper, which made me disappointerd because had put so much effort into writing it.
--- pattern 3 ---
i often complain to my colleagues about ---m since ---.
I often complain to my colleagues about my job, since I am uninterested in my duties.
I often complain to my colleagues about my husband, since he does not seem to care about my work.
I often complain to my colleagues about the heat in the office since everyone else likes the temperature to be very high.
--- pattern 4 ---
Going to Disnerland made me feel ---, because ---.
Going to Disneyland madew me feel excited, because I had never been there before.
Going to Disneyland made me feel like a child, because everything was very new and strange.
Going to Disneyland made me feel disappointed, because it was not what I expected.
--- pattern 5 ---
When I purchased my first car, I felt so --- that I wanted to 0-0--.
When I purchased my first car, I felt so excited that I wasnted to drive all night.
When I purchased my first car, I felt so nervous taht I wasnted to drive very carefully.
^^^ pattern 6 ---
I am --- with my current --- mainly because ---. Additionally, ---.
i am dissatisfied with my current status mainly because I want more recognition. Additionally, I want greater wealth.
I am content with my current girlfriend mainly because we get along well. Additionaly, she is very humorous.
I am unhappy with my current job mainly because I want more responsibility. Additionally, I would like a more prestigious title.
--- pattern 7 ---
I was pleased to hear that ^^^^.
I was pleased to hear that you were getting married.
I was pleased to hear that our competitor had gone bankrupt.
I was pleased to hear that John had won his bowling tournament.
[All sentences below should be remembered.]
1. 私は彼女が何を好きなのか分かりません。 I do not know what she likes.
2. 私は彼女がいつここへ来たのかわかりません。 i do not know when she came here.
3. 私の朝ご飯は毎日パンです。 I have bread for breakfast every day.
4. 昨夜近所で家事がありました。 There was a fire in my neighborhood last night.
5. 彼はクラスメートに追いつくでしょう。 He will catch up with his classmates.
6. 私たちはその犬をルーシーとよんでいます。 We call the dog Lucy.
7. 私たちは彼を生徒会長に選びました。 We elected him president of the student body.
8. あなたはいつだって彼を信頼できますよ。 You can always trust him.
9. 私は誰がそれを下野か知っています。 I know who did it.
10. 彼は学校を出てから何もしていません。 He has done nothing since he left school.
11. 天気の良いときは散歩をします。 When it is fine, I go for a walk.
12. 昨夜はとても疲れていたので早く寝ました。 Since I was very tired, I went to bed early last night.
13. これが友達の住んでいる家出す。 This is the hous in which my friend lives/
14. 私は弟が壊した窓を直さなければなりません。 I have to fix the windown broken by my brother.
15. 芝生に座っている女性は私の姉です。 The woman sitting on the grass is my sister.
16. もし私に1000ドルあれば車が変えるのに。 If I had a thousand dollars, I could buy a car.
17. もし私が大統領なら違う方法でやるのに。 If I were the president, I would do things differently.
18. もし私があなたの上司なら昇級させてあげるのに。 if I werte your boss, I would give you a raise.
19. 私がそこにいれれば良いのに。 If I wish I were there.
20. 私が彼の電話番号を書き取っていたらなぁ。 I wish I had written down his phone number.
21. 私がそこにいたら助けてあげられたのに。 If I had been there, I could have helped you.
22. 大学時代にもっと英語を勉強しておけば良かったと思います。I wish I had studied En lish harder in college.
23. 私なら彼のためにそれをしますよ。 I would do it for him.
24. 日本人は勤勉な国民です。 The Japanese are a hard working people.
25. そのパーティは大成功でした。 The party was a big success.
26. 彼女は何も言わずにでていきました 。 She went out without saying a word.
27. 父は私より早く起きます。 My father gets up earlier than I do.
28. この服はあれより高くはない。 This dress is less expensive than that one.
29. 私の家は彼の家と同じ大きさです。 My house is as big as his.
[All sentences below should be remembered.]
1. 私は彼女が何を好きなのか分かりません。 .
2. 私は彼女がいつここへ来たのかわかりません。
3. 私の朝ご飯は毎日パンです。
4. 昨夜近所で家事がありました。
5. 彼はクラスメートに追いつくでしょう。
6. 私たちはその犬をルーシーとよんでいます。
7. 私たちは彼を生徒会長に選びました。
8. あなたはいつだって彼を信頼できますよ。
9. 私は誰がそれを下野か知っています。
10. 彼は学校を出てから何もしていません。
11. 天気の良いときは散歩をします。
12. 昨夜はとても疲れていたので早く寝ました。
13. これが友達の住んでいる家出す。
14. 私は弟が壊した窓を直さなければなりません。
15. 芝生に座っている女性は私の姉です。
16. もし私に1000ドルあれば車が変えるのに。
17. もし私が大統領なら違う方法でやるのに。
18. もし私があなたの上司なら昇級させてあげるのに。
19. 私がそこにいれれば良いのに。
20. 私が彼の電話番号を書き取っていたらなぁ。
21. 私がそこにいたら助けてあげられたのに。
22. 大学時代にもっと英語を勉強しておけば良かったと思います。
23. 私なら彼のためにそれをしますよ。
24. 日本人は勤勉な国民です。
25. そのパーティは大成功でした。
26. 彼女は何も言わずにでていきました 。
27. 父は私より早く起きます。
28. この服はあれより高くはない。
29. 私の家は彼の家と同じ大きさです。
[All sentences below should be remembered.]
1. 私は彼女が何を好きなのか分かりません。
I do not know what she likes.
2. 私は彼女がいつここへ来たのかわかりません。
I do not know when she came here.
3. 私の朝ご飯は毎日パンです。
I have bread for breakfast every day.
4. 昨夜近所で家事がありました。
There was a fire at my neighbor last night.
> There was a fire in my neighborhood.
5. 彼はクラスメートに追いつくでしょう。
He will catch up with my classmates.
6. 私たちはその犬をルーシーとよんでいます。
We call the dog Lucy.
7. 私たちは彼を生徒会長に選びました。
We elected him the president of student body.
> We elected him president of the student body.
8. あなたはいつだって彼を信頼できますよ。
You can always trust him.
9. 私は誰がそれをしたのか知っています。
I know who did it.
10. 彼は学校を出てから何もしていません。
He did nothing since he left school
> He has done nothing since he left school.
11. 天気の良いときは散歩をします。
If it is fine, I go for a walk.
> When it is fine, I go for a walk.
12. 昨夜はとても疲れていたので早く寝ました。
Since I was so tired, I went to bed early.
> Since I was very tired, I went to bed early last night.
13. これが友達の住んでいる家です。
This is the house in which my friend lives.
14. 私は弟が壊した窓を直さなければなりません。
I have to fix the window broken by my brother.
15. 芝生に座っている女性は私の姉です。
The woman sitting on the grass is my sister.
16. もし私に1000ドルあれば車が変えるのに。
If I had thousand dallor, I could buy a car.
> If I had a thousand dollarm I could buy a car.
17. もし私が大統領なら違う方法でやるのに。
If I were the president, I would do things differently.
18. もし私があなたの上司なら昇級させてあげるのに。
If I were your boss, I would give you a raise.
19. 私がそこにいれれば良いのに。
I wish I would be there.
> I wish I were there.
20. 私が彼の電話番号を書き取っていたらなぁ。
I wish I would write down his phone number.
I wish I had written down his phone number.
21. 私がそこにいたら助けてあげられたのに。
If I were there, I could help you.
> If I had been there, I could have helped you.
22. 大学時代にもっと英語を勉強しておけば良かったと思います。
I thought if I had studied harder in college.
> I wish I had studied English harder in college.
23. 私なら彼のためにそれをしますよ。
I would do it for him.
24. 日本人は勤勉な国民です。
The japanese are serious working people.
> Tge japanese are a hard working people.
25. そのパーティは大成功でした。
The party was a big succeeful.
> The party was a big success.
26. 彼女は何も言わずにでていきました 。
She went our without saying a word.
27. 父は私より早く起きます。
My father gets up earlier than I do.
28. この服はあれより高くはない。
This dress is less expensive than that one.
29. 私の家は彼の家と同じ大きさです。
My house is as large as his.
> My house is as big as his.
[All sentences below should be remembered.]
1. 私は彼女が何を好きなのか分かりません。 .
I do not know what she likes.
2. 私は彼女がいつここへ来たのかわかりません。
I do not know when she came here.
3. 私の朝ご飯は毎日パンです。
I have bread for breakfast every day.
4. 昨夜近所で家事がありました。
There was a fire in my neighborhood last night.
5. 彼はクラスメートに追いつくでしょう。
He will catch up with my classmates.
6. 私たちはその犬をルーシーとよんでいます。
We call the dog Lucy.
7. 私たちは彼を生徒会長に選びました。
We elected him president of the student body.
8. あなたはいつだって彼を信頼できますよ。
You can always trust him.
9. 私は誰がそれを下野か知っています。
I know who did it.
10. 彼は学校を出てから何もしていません。
He had done nothing since he left school.
11. 天気の良いときは散歩をします。
When it is fine, I go for a walk.
12. 昨夜はとても疲れていたので早く寝ました。
Since I was very tired, I went to bed early.
13. これが友達の住んでいる家出す。
This is the house in which my friend lives.
14. 私は弟が壊した窓を直さなければなりません。
I have to fix the window broken by my brother.
15. 芝生に座っている女性は私の姉です。
The woman sitting on the grass is my sister.
16. もし私に1000ドルあれば車が変えるのに。
If I had a thousand dollar, I could buy a car,
17. もし私が大統領なら違う方法でやるのに。
If I were the president, I would do things differently,
18. もし私があなたの上司なら昇級させてあげるのに。
If I were your boss, I would give you a raise.
19. 私がそこにいれれば良いのに。
I wish I were there.
20. 私が彼の電話番号を書き取っていたらなぁ。
I wish I had written his phone number.
21. 私がそこにいたら助けてあげられたのに。
If I had been there, I could have helped you.
22. 大学時代にもっと英語を勉強しておけば良かったと思います。
I wish I had studied English harder in college.
23. 私なら彼のためにそれをしますよ。
I would do it for him.
24. 日本人は勤勉な国民です。
The Japanese are a hard working people.
25. そのパーティは大成功でした。
The party was a big success.
26. 彼女は何も言わずにでていきました 。
She went out withour saying a word.
27. 父は私より早く起きます。
My father gets up earlier than I do.
28. この服はあれより高くはない。
This dress is less expensive than that one.
29. 私の家は彼の家と同じ大きさです。
My house is as big as his.
[All sentences below should be remembered.]
1. 私は彼女が何を好きなのか分かりません。 .
2. 私は彼女がいつここへ来たのかわかりません。
3. 私の朝ご飯は毎日パンです。
4. 昨夜近所で家事がありました。
5. 彼はクラスメートに追いつくでしょう。
6. 私たちはその犬をルーシーとよんでいます。
7. 私たちは彼を生徒会長に選びました。
8. あなたはいつだって彼を信頼できますよ。
9. 私は誰がそれを下野か知っています。
10. 彼は学校を出てから何もしていません。
11. 天気の良いときは散歩をします。
12. 昨夜はとても疲れていたので早く寝ました。
13. これが友達の住んでいる家出す。
14. 私は弟が壊した窓を直さなければなりません。
15. 芝生に座っている女性は私の姉です。
16. もし私に1000ドルあれば車が変えるのに。
17. もし私が大統領なら違う方法でやるのに。
18. もし私があなたの上司なら昇級させてあげるのに。
19. 私がそこにいれれば良いのに。
20. 私が彼の電話番号を書き取っていたらなぁ。
21. 私がそこにいたら助けてあげられたのに。
22. 大学時代にもっと英語を勉強しておけば良かったと思います。
23. 私なら彼のためにそれをしますよ。
24. 日本人は勤勉な国民です。
25. そのパーティは大成功でした。
26. 彼女は何も言わずにでていきました 。
27. 父は私より早く起きます。
28. この服はあれより高くはない。
29. 私の家は彼の家と同じ大きさです。
[All I have to remember for quiz]
One of my unforgettblae experiences was when I studied abroad in Spain for a year.
I was stunned to find a world and a way of life which I had never seen before.
Also, There are so many regions and cultures within Spain itselt.
I began to realize that there are often more differences within a culture than between cultures.
This seems like what I probably could not learn, if I had not gone there.
QUESTION: Why odo people remember special gifts or presents that they have received?
ANSWER: People remember special gifts or presents that they have received for the following reasons.
1. Those gifts are reminders of important events in one's life.
2. Those gifts can often make unforgettanble memories.
3. Those gifts are often ficen during holidaus and birthdays.
4. Those gifts are sometimes expensice and rare.
--- sample answer ---
I bwelieve people remember special gifts or presents trhat ethey have received for the following reasons.
First, special gifts or presents can often make unforgettable memoris.
For example, when Igot married, my mother ggave me the dress she wore to her own weddin.
Also, my fiance did not have to buy a ring because my father gave me his dead mother's wedding band.
Their gifts were uni uw and pricweless toe em .
I have treasured them nd remembered them very clearly.
I believe people remembre special gifts or presents that they have received for the following reeasons.
First, special gifts or presents can often make unforgettable memories.
For example, when I got married, my mother gave me the drtess she wore to her own wedding.
Also, my fiance did not have to buy a ring because my father fgave me his dead and remembered them very clearly
I believe people remember special; gifts or presents that they have received fot the following reasons.
First, special gifts or presents can often make unforgettable memories.
For exampl, when Igot married, my mother gace me the dress she wore to her own wedding.
Also, my fiance did not have to buy a ring because my father gave me his dead mother's wedding bamd.
Their gifts were unique and price ;esss to me. I have treasured them and remembered them very clearly.
I believe prople remember special gifts or presents that they have received for the following reasons.
First, special gifts or presents can often make unforgettabl memories. For example, when I got married, my mother gave me the dress she wore to her own wedding. Also, my fiance did not have to buy a ring because my father gave me his dead mother's wedding band. Their gifts were unique and priceless to me. I have treasured them and remembered them very clearly.
I believe people remember special gifts or presents that they have received for the following reasons.
First, special gifts or presents can often make unforggetable memories. For exmple, when I got married, my mother gave me the dress she wore to her own wedding. Also, my fiance did not have to buy a ring because my father gave me his dead mother's wedding band. Their gifts werte unique and priceless to me. I have treasured them and remembered them very clearly.
I believe people remember special gifts or presents that they have received for the following reasons.
First, special gifts or presents can often make unforgettable memories. For example, when I gor married, my mother gave me the dress she wore to her own wedding. Also, my fiance did not have to buy a ring because my father gave me his dead mother's wedding band. Their gifts were unique and priceless to me. I have treasured them and remembered them very clearly.
I believe people remember gifts or presents that they have received for the following reasons.
First, special gifts or presents often make unforgettable memories. For example, when I got married, my mother gave me the dress she wore to her own wedding. Also, my fiance did not have to buy a ring because my father gave me his dead mother's wedding band. Their gifts were unique and priceless to me. I have treasured them and remembered them very clearly.
I believe people remember gifts or presents that they have received for the following reasons.
First, special gifts or presents often can make unforgettable memories. For example, when I got married, my mother gave me the dress she wore to her own wedding. Also, my fiance did not have to buy a ring because my father gave me his dead mother's wedding band. Their gifts were unique and priceless to me. I have treasured them and remembered them very clearly.
I believe people remember gifts or presents that they have recieved for the following reasons.
First, special gifts or presents often can make unforgettable memories. For example, when I got married, my mother gave the dress she wore to her own wedding. Also, my fiance did not have to buy a ring because my father gave me his dead mother's wedding band. Their gists were unique and priceless to me. I have treasured them and remembered them very clearly.

完 全 燃 焼 orz
--- sample 1 ---
This is my professor, Professor Tanaka. He received a Ph.D. in economics from Tokyo University and is the professor of Introduction Class I took. He also teaches several other classses in the economics department of Waseda University. He is maried and has two daughters.
--- sample 2 ---
This is myinstructor, Professor Kinoshita. He got his doctorate at osaka University. He teaches my favorite English literature class. His speciality iws actually American literature, but he seems to enjoy teaching the class. He is still rather young and not married yet.
--- exercise essay ---
こちらは私の政治学担当の小川先生です。私のだいがくで 博士号を取得された後すぐ動向で教鞭を取られました。講師をされる傍ら政治学の学生のアドバイザーもなさっています。ご結婚されており3人のお子さんがいらっしゃいます。
This is my teacher, Mr.Ogawa in Politics Science. He has a class at the university I attended, as soon as he received a Ph.D. from the university. In addition, he advises students who are majoring in Politics Science. He is married and has three sons.
--- sample 1 ---
I will never forget when I first met my best friend. I was new to school, and lost my way at a corridor, looking for my classroom. She asked me if I needed help. We started talking and found that we were in the same math class. After that, we have been best friends.
--- sample 2 ---
One of my unforgettable experiences was when I studied abroad in Spain for a year. I was stunned to find a world and a way of life that I had never seen before. Also, there are so many regions and cultures within Spain itself. I began to realize that there are ofdten more differences within a culture thatn between cultures. This seems like what I probably cound not learn, if I had not gone out.
--- exercise essay ---
One of my undorgettable experiences was what I was asked to be an extra of the movie. The movie was producing at our campus for a week, so the persons who come or go out at the front of the library were needed. The work itself was easy and even bored for me, but I was really excited because I had an oppotunity to see the director of the filem and two main characters.
[Section two class 2]
First, I can learn more by studying with a froup of students. For example, in 1995 when I was en eleventh grader in Kaisei High School, a provate high school in Tokyo, Japan, I often studied English with some of my claswsmates after school. One of them, Tanaka, was the best student in calss. Another one, Suzuki, lived in America for six years when he was in elementary school. They both knew a lot about English then, and they helped me a lot when we studied together. I knew a lot of kanji, Chinese-Japanese characters, and they learned them from me in turn. We learned a lot from each other as a group. If I had not studied with others, I would not have learned more about English. As the above example shows, I strongly believe that I can learn more by studying with a group of students.
[Writing Sample Question]
Q: Why do people remember special gifts or presents that they have received?
A: People remember special gifts or presents that they have received for the following reasons.
1. Those gifts are meminders of important events in one's life.
2. Those gifts can often make unforgettable memories.
3. Those gifts are often given during holidays and birthdays.
4. Those gifts are sometimes expensive and rare.
Hint: 5W1H
When I turned sixteen, I received a new car from my parents.
When I was in college, I received a hand-made card from my friend.
When I graduated from high school, my grandfather gave me his heirloom watch.
When I was in elementary school, I received a book for my birthday. The book was a children's story, written in English, about a boy and his favorite tree. It was called "The Giving Tree" and had a beautiful green cover.
When I turned twenty-one ( the legal drinking age in the U.S.), my friends took me out to a bar for the first time. We ate and drank and enjoyed ourselves late into the night. At the end of the evening, they presented me with a nice wine rack.
On my seventh birthday, my parents and I went to my grandaparents'house to have dinner. after dinner, while I was sitting on the couch watching televeision, my dad handesd me a gift-wrapped package.
When I was in high school, I often baby sat for my neighbors' children. There was a girl whom I often used to look after. Her favorite book was "The Giving Tree." She would always refuse to go to bed unless I read the book to her at bedtime.
When I got married, my mother gabe me the dress she wore to her own wedding. Also, my fiance did not have to buy a ring because my father gave mje his dead mother's wedding band. These gifts wereo unique and priceless to me.
This book was my first English book. It became my favorite, and it also helped me to become motivated about learning English.
It is easy to remember special gifts because they often mark the passage of time or the seasons. Also, since some of these gifts are rare and cannot be bought easily, people treasure them.
--- Ex. essay ---
i believe people remember special gifts or presents that they have reverived for the following reasons.
First, special gists or presents can often make unforggettab le memories. For example, when I got married, my mother gave me the dress she wore to her own wedding. Also, my fiance did not have to buy a ring because my father gave me his dead mother7s weddin band. Their gifts werte unique and priceless to me. I have reasured trhem and rememberd them very clearly.
Second, special gifts or presents can ........
[Basec pettern exercise]
Theme: express your emotion
Structure: I am/was/feel/felt-- at/with/for~, because~.
--- pattern 1 ---
When I talked to my boss, I felt --- because he ---.
When I talked to my boss, I felt intimidated because he was very unkind.
When I talked to my boss, I felt encouraged because he supported my proposal.
When I talked to my boss, I felt sad because he told me I was fired.
--- patter 2 ---
My --- gave me a C on my final paper, which made me --- because ---.
My teacher gave me a C on my final paper, which made me angry because I thought I deserved an A.
My professor gave me a C on my finla paper, which made me happy because I thought I might fail the assignment.
My history professort gave me a C on my final paper, which made me disappointerd because had put so much effort into writing it.
--- pattern 3 ---
i often complain to my colleagues about ---m since ---.
I often complain to my colleagues about my job, since I am uninterested in my duties.
I often complain to my colleagues about my husband, since he does not seem to care about my work.
I often complain to my colleagues about the heat in the office since everyone else likes the temperature to be very high.
--- pattern 4 ---
Going to Disnerland made me feel ---, because ---.
Going to Disneyland madew me feel excited, because I had never been there before.
Going to Disneyland made me feel like a child, because everything was very new and strange.
Going to Disneyland made me feel disappointed, because it was not what I expected.
--- pattern 5 ---
When I purchased my first car, I felt so --- that I wanted to 0-0--.
When I purchased my first car, I felt so excited that I wasnted to drive all night.
When I purchased my first car, I felt so nervous taht I wasnted to drive very carefully.
^^^ pattern 6 ---
I am --- with my current --- mainly because ---. Additionally, ---.
i am dissatisfied with my current status mainly because I want more recognition. Additionally, I want greater wealth.
I am content with my current girlfriend mainly because we get along well. Additionaly, she is very humorous.
I am unhappy with my current job mainly because I want more responsibility. Additionally, I would like a more prestigious title.
--- pattern 7 ---
I was pleased to hear that ^^^^.
I was pleased to hear that you were getting married.
I was pleased to hear that our competitor had gone bankrupt.
I was pleased to hear that John had won his bowling tournament.
[All sentences below should be remembered.]
1. 私は彼女が何を好きなのか分かりません。 I do not know what she likes.
2. 私は彼女がいつここへ来たのかわかりません。 i do not know when she came here.
3. 私の朝ご飯は毎日パンです。 I have bread for breakfast every day.
4. 昨夜近所で家事がありました。 There was a fire in my neighborhood last night.
5. 彼はクラスメートに追いつくでしょう。 He will catch up with his classmates.
6. 私たちはその犬をルーシーとよんでいます。 We call the dog Lucy.
7. 私たちは彼を生徒会長に選びました。 We elected him president of the student body.
8. あなたはいつだって彼を信頼できますよ。 You can always trust him.
9. 私は誰がそれを下野か知っています。 I know who did it.
10. 彼は学校を出てから何もしていません。 He has done nothing since he left school.
11. 天気の良いときは散歩をします。 When it is fine, I go for a walk.
12. 昨夜はとても疲れていたので早く寝ました。 Since I was very tired, I went to bed early last night.
13. これが友達の住んでいる家出す。 This is the hous in which my friend lives/
14. 私は弟が壊した窓を直さなければなりません。 I have to fix the windown broken by my brother.
15. 芝生に座っている女性は私の姉です。 The woman sitting on the grass is my sister.
16. もし私に1000ドルあれば車が変えるのに。 If I had a thousand dollars, I could buy a car.
17. もし私が大統領なら違う方法でやるのに。 If I were the president, I would do things differently.
18. もし私があなたの上司なら昇級させてあげるのに。 if I werte your boss, I would give you a raise.
19. 私がそこにいれれば良いのに。 If I wish I were there.
20. 私が彼の電話番号を書き取っていたらなぁ。 I wish I had written down his phone number.
21. 私がそこにいたら助けてあげられたのに。 If I had been there, I could have helped you.
22. 大学時代にもっと英語を勉強しておけば良かったと思います。I wish I had studied En lish harder in college.
23. 私なら彼のためにそれをしますよ。 I would do it for him.
24. 日本人は勤勉な国民です。 The Japanese are a hard working people.
25. そのパーティは大成功でした。 The party was a big success.
26. 彼女は何も言わずにでていきました 。 She went out without saying a word.
27. 父は私より早く起きます。 My father gets up earlier than I do.
28. この服はあれより高くはない。 This dress is less expensive than that one.
29. 私の家は彼の家と同じ大きさです。 My house is as big as his.
[All sentences below should be remembered.]
1. 私は彼女が何を好きなのか分かりません。 .
2. 私は彼女がいつここへ来たのかわかりません。
3. 私の朝ご飯は毎日パンです。
4. 昨夜近所で家事がありました。
5. 彼はクラスメートに追いつくでしょう。
6. 私たちはその犬をルーシーとよんでいます。
7. 私たちは彼を生徒会長に選びました。
8. あなたはいつだって彼を信頼できますよ。
9. 私は誰がそれを下野か知っています。
10. 彼は学校を出てから何もしていません。
11. 天気の良いときは散歩をします。
12. 昨夜はとても疲れていたので早く寝ました。
13. これが友達の住んでいる家出す。
14. 私は弟が壊した窓を直さなければなりません。
15. 芝生に座っている女性は私の姉です。
16. もし私に1000ドルあれば車が変えるのに。
17. もし私が大統領なら違う方法でやるのに。
18. もし私があなたの上司なら昇級させてあげるのに。
19. 私がそこにいれれば良いのに。
20. 私が彼の電話番号を書き取っていたらなぁ。
21. 私がそこにいたら助けてあげられたのに。
22. 大学時代にもっと英語を勉強しておけば良かったと思います。
23. 私なら彼のためにそれをしますよ。
24. 日本人は勤勉な国民です。
25. そのパーティは大成功でした。
26. 彼女は何も言わずにでていきました 。
27. 父は私より早く起きます。
28. この服はあれより高くはない。
29. 私の家は彼の家と同じ大きさです。
[All sentences below should be remembered.]
1. 私は彼女が何を好きなのか分かりません。
I do not know what she likes.
2. 私は彼女がいつここへ来たのかわかりません。
I do not know when she came here.
3. 私の朝ご飯は毎日パンです。
I have bread for breakfast every day.
4. 昨夜近所で家事がありました。
There was a fire at my neighbor last night.
> There was a fire in my neighborhood.
5. 彼はクラスメートに追いつくでしょう。
He will catch up with my classmates.
6. 私たちはその犬をルーシーとよんでいます。
We call the dog Lucy.
7. 私たちは彼を生徒会長に選びました。
We elected him the president of student body.
> We elected him president of the student body.
8. あなたはいつだって彼を信頼できますよ。
You can always trust him.
9. 私は誰がそれをしたのか知っています。
I know who did it.
10. 彼は学校を出てから何もしていません。
He did nothing since he left school
> He has done nothing since he left school.
11. 天気の良いときは散歩をします。
If it is fine, I go for a walk.
> When it is fine, I go for a walk.
12. 昨夜はとても疲れていたので早く寝ました。
Since I was so tired, I went to bed early.
> Since I was very tired, I went to bed early last night.
13. これが友達の住んでいる家です。
This is the house in which my friend lives.
14. 私は弟が壊した窓を直さなければなりません。
I have to fix the window broken by my brother.
15. 芝生に座っている女性は私の姉です。
The woman sitting on the grass is my sister.
16. もし私に1000ドルあれば車が変えるのに。
If I had thousand dallor, I could buy a car.
> If I had a thousand dollarm I could buy a car.
17. もし私が大統領なら違う方法でやるのに。
If I were the president, I would do things differently.
18. もし私があなたの上司なら昇級させてあげるのに。
If I were your boss, I would give you a raise.
19. 私がそこにいれれば良いのに。
I wish I would be there.
> I wish I were there.
20. 私が彼の電話番号を書き取っていたらなぁ。
I wish I would write down his phone number.
I wish I had written down his phone number.
21. 私がそこにいたら助けてあげられたのに。
If I were there, I could help you.
> If I had been there, I could have helped you.
22. 大学時代にもっと英語を勉強しておけば良かったと思います。
I thought if I had studied harder in college.
> I wish I had studied English harder in college.
23. 私なら彼のためにそれをしますよ。
I would do it for him.
24. 日本人は勤勉な国民です。
The japanese are serious working people.
> Tge japanese are a hard working people.
25. そのパーティは大成功でした。
The party was a big succeeful.
> The party was a big success.
26. 彼女は何も言わずにでていきました 。
She went our without saying a word.
27. 父は私より早く起きます。
My father gets up earlier than I do.
28. この服はあれより高くはない。
This dress is less expensive than that one.
29. 私の家は彼の家と同じ大きさです。
My house is as large as his.
> My house is as big as his.
[All sentences below should be remembered.]
1. 私は彼女が何を好きなのか分かりません。 .
I do not know what she likes.
2. 私は彼女がいつここへ来たのかわかりません。
I do not know when she came here.
3. 私の朝ご飯は毎日パンです。
I have bread for breakfast every day.
4. 昨夜近所で家事がありました。
There was a fire in my neighborhood last night.
5. 彼はクラスメートに追いつくでしょう。
He will catch up with my classmates.
6. 私たちはその犬をルーシーとよんでいます。
We call the dog Lucy.
7. 私たちは彼を生徒会長に選びました。
We elected him president of the student body.
8. あなたはいつだって彼を信頼できますよ。
You can always trust him.
9. 私は誰がそれを下野か知っています。
I know who did it.
10. 彼は学校を出てから何もしていません。
He had done nothing since he left school.
11. 天気の良いときは散歩をします。
When it is fine, I go for a walk.
12. 昨夜はとても疲れていたので早く寝ました。
Since I was very tired, I went to bed early.
13. これが友達の住んでいる家出す。
This is the house in which my friend lives.
14. 私は弟が壊した窓を直さなければなりません。
I have to fix the window broken by my brother.
15. 芝生に座っている女性は私の姉です。
The woman sitting on the grass is my sister.
16. もし私に1000ドルあれば車が変えるのに。
If I had a thousand dollar, I could buy a car,
17. もし私が大統領なら違う方法でやるのに。
If I were the president, I would do things differently,
18. もし私があなたの上司なら昇級させてあげるのに。
If I were your boss, I would give you a raise.
19. 私がそこにいれれば良いのに。
I wish I were there.
20. 私が彼の電話番号を書き取っていたらなぁ。
I wish I had written his phone number.
21. 私がそこにいたら助けてあげられたのに。
If I had been there, I could have helped you.
22. 大学時代にもっと英語を勉強しておけば良かったと思います。
I wish I had studied English harder in college.
23. 私なら彼のためにそれをしますよ。
I would do it for him.
24. 日本人は勤勉な国民です。
The Japanese are a hard working people.
25. そのパーティは大成功でした。
The party was a big success.
26. 彼女は何も言わずにでていきました 。
She went out withour saying a word.
27. 父は私より早く起きます。
My father gets up earlier than I do.
28. この服はあれより高くはない。
This dress is less expensive than that one.
29. 私の家は彼の家と同じ大きさです。
My house is as big as his.
[All sentences below should be remembered.]
1. 私は彼女が何を好きなのか分かりません。 .
2. 私は彼女がいつここへ来たのかわかりません。
3. 私の朝ご飯は毎日パンです。
4. 昨夜近所で家事がありました。
5. 彼はクラスメートに追いつくでしょう。
6. 私たちはその犬をルーシーとよんでいます。
7. 私たちは彼を生徒会長に選びました。
8. あなたはいつだって彼を信頼できますよ。
9. 私は誰がそれを下野か知っています。
10. 彼は学校を出てから何もしていません。
11. 天気の良いときは散歩をします。
12. 昨夜はとても疲れていたので早く寝ました。
13. これが友達の住んでいる家出す。
14. 私は弟が壊した窓を直さなければなりません。
15. 芝生に座っている女性は私の姉です。
16. もし私に1000ドルあれば車が変えるのに。
17. もし私が大統領なら違う方法でやるのに。
18. もし私があなたの上司なら昇級させてあげるのに。
19. 私がそこにいれれば良いのに。
20. 私が彼の電話番号を書き取っていたらなぁ。
21. 私がそこにいたら助けてあげられたのに。
22. 大学時代にもっと英語を勉強しておけば良かったと思います。
23. 私なら彼のためにそれをしますよ。
24. 日本人は勤勉な国民です。
25. そのパーティは大成功でした。
26. 彼女は何も言わずにでていきました 。
27. 父は私より早く起きます。
28. この服はあれより高くはない。
29. 私の家は彼の家と同じ大きさです。
[All I have to remember for quiz]
One of my unforgettblae experiences was when I studied abroad in Spain for a year.
I was stunned to find a world and a way of life which I had never seen before.
Also, There are so many regions and cultures within Spain itselt.
I began to realize that there are often more differences within a culture than between cultures.
This seems like what I probably could not learn, if I had not gone there.
QUESTION: Why odo people remember special gifts or presents that they have received?
ANSWER: People remember special gifts or presents that they have received for the following reasons.
1. Those gifts are reminders of important events in one's life.
2. Those gifts can often make unforgettanble memories.
3. Those gifts are often ficen during holidaus and birthdays.
4. Those gifts are sometimes expensice and rare.
--- sample answer ---
I bwelieve people remember special gifts or presents trhat ethey have received for the following reasons.
First, special gifts or presents can often make unforgettable memoris.
For example, when Igot married, my mother ggave me the dress she wore to her own weddin.
Also, my fiance did not have to buy a ring because my father gave me his dead mother's wedding band.
Their gifts were uni uw and pricweless toe em .
I have treasured them nd remembered them very clearly.
I believe people remembre special gifts or presents that they have received for the following reeasons.
First, special gifts or presents can often make unforgettable memories.
For example, when I got married, my mother gave me the drtess she wore to her own wedding.
Also, my fiance did not have to buy a ring because my father fgave me his dead and remembered them very clearly
I believe people remember special; gifts or presents that they have received fot the following reasons.
First, special gifts or presents can often make unforgettable memories.
For exampl, when Igot married, my mother gace me the dress she wore to her own wedding.
Also, my fiance did not have to buy a ring because my father gave me his dead mother's wedding bamd.
Their gifts were unique and price ;esss to me. I have treasured them and remembered them very clearly.
I believe prople remember special gifts or presents that they have received for the following reasons.
First, special gifts or presents can often make unforgettabl memories. For example, when I got married, my mother gave me the dress she wore to her own wedding. Also, my fiance did not have to buy a ring because my father gave me his dead mother's wedding band. Their gifts were unique and priceless to me. I have treasured them and remembered them very clearly.
I believe people remember special gifts or presents that they have received for the following reasons.
First, special gifts or presents can often make unforggetable memories. For exmple, when I got married, my mother gave me the dress she wore to her own wedding. Also, my fiance did not have to buy a ring because my father gave me his dead mother's wedding band. Their gifts werte unique and priceless to me. I have treasured them and remembered them very clearly.
I believe people remember special gifts or presents that they have received for the following reasons.
First, special gifts or presents can often make unforgettable memories. For example, when I gor married, my mother gave me the dress she wore to her own wedding. Also, my fiance did not have to buy a ring because my father gave me his dead mother's wedding band. Their gifts were unique and priceless to me. I have treasured them and remembered them very clearly.
I believe people remember gifts or presents that they have received for the following reasons.
First, special gifts or presents often make unforgettable memories. For example, when I got married, my mother gave me the dress she wore to her own wedding. Also, my fiance did not have to buy a ring because my father gave me his dead mother's wedding band. Their gifts were unique and priceless to me. I have treasured them and remembered them very clearly.
I believe people remember gifts or presents that they have received for the following reasons.
First, special gifts or presents often can make unforgettable memories. For example, when I got married, my mother gave me the dress she wore to her own wedding. Also, my fiance did not have to buy a ring because my father gave me his dead mother's wedding band. Their gifts were unique and priceless to me. I have treasured them and remembered them very clearly.
I believe people remember gifts or presents that they have recieved for the following reasons.
First, special gifts or presents often can make unforgettable memories. For example, when I got married, my mother gave the dress she wore to her own wedding. Also, my fiance did not have to buy a ring because my father gave me his dead mother's wedding band. Their gists were unique and priceless to me. I have treasured them and remembered them very clearly.
coffee junkey
とりあえず、ざっとネットで探って見たところ、コーヒーは飲みすぎても別に体には異常ないみたいみたい。ただ、流石に毎日ずっと飲んでると飽きるし、効用下がってくるし、なによりお金が・・・orz しかし、コーヒーでも使ってないと眠くなるしなぁ。気合で起きつづけようとしても集中力とか思考力が落ちるから効率はガタ落ちするし。ここは、もういっそのこと開き直ってcoffee junkieとしての道を歩むしかないのかw。By the way, 職場の隣のデスクの人がありえないスピードで設計とか実装してるの見るとビビります。効率落とさないで終日続くとかテラゴッドww。研究者仕様ですかそうですか(´・ω・`)
Input -> Output
[近況 part 3]
今日、ようやく新技術の大まかな構造と相対的な位置づけを把握することが出来ました。また、その新技術に対して自分はどのようにアプローチをして、どの部分を開拓していくのか、その方針もある程度定まってきたように思います。新技術の研究を進めるに当たって、OSで学んだComputer Architectureを扱ったプログラミング知識や、Software Engineeringで学んだMeta Model, UML. OOPの知識や、Language Processorで学んだ構文解析, 正規表現の知識など、今まで学んできた様々な技術をフルに使っているという実感をひしひしと感じます。逆に言えば、これら技術のうちどれか一つでも欠けていれば、新技術の理解にさらに時間がかかってしまったのかな、とも感じます。もちろん、その他にも、学外活動で学んだtime schedulingとかnote takingの知識・経験もかなり役に立ってはいますが。Anyway、なんというか、今までの知識・経験を全て使って、頭をフルに回転させてる感覚がいいですね。中々やりがいを感じます。
ー (誰も気にしていない)近況についてpart 2 ー
幸運にも、かねてからやろうと思っていたプログラミング言語、pythonとRubyのうち、Rubyを勉強する機会と巡り会いました!According to my rule of thumb, I will never study subjects, such as programming language, if I do not have an opportunity to use itなので、この機会をできる限り有効に活用して、Rubyを習得するよう心がけたいと思います。ただ、Rubyを習得することに傾注するあまり、TOEFLの勉強がおざなりになってしまっては本末転倒なので、そこら辺はうまくスケジューリングする必要はありますが。
しかし、今夏の活動力を前回の春休みにも発揮出来たらきっともっと成長したのになぁ、と思ふ今日この頃。む〜、今更そんなこと考えて後悔していても仕方ないんですが。でも、少なくとも、今の生き方の方が自分の性にはあってるのかな。Anyway, 動き出すのが遅かった自分が好き勝手に生きていくには、どうも越えなきゃいけない壁が多いみたいですな。
def say_goodnight(name)
result = "good night, " + name
return result
puts say_goodnight('everyone!")
Cool Biz
そうそう、僕が思うR&Dの最もよいところは、Cool Bizという名の私服出勤です。「あれ…? Cool・・・ Biz…?」的な服装が最高ですw。Googleでは、開発系社員の私服出勤を既に公言していますが、やはり研究開発系の職はスーツで出勤する必要性があまり無いみたいですね。いやぁホント、最高の環境ですw。一応僕はインターン生なんで、インターンシップ中にあまりでしゃばった真似をするつもりはありませんが、将来の職種の候補としてR&D系も良いかなぁと思いました。
P.S. 予備校もインターンシップも著作権やら秘密保持契約やらの関係で、あまり立ち入った内容がしゃべれないのがもどかしい今日この頃。
[Text pp.5-6]
Correct any error in each sentence below.
1. Dr.Tanaka recieived a PH.D.from Princeton University.
2. When I was a child,I used to play tennis,but my sister didn't.
3. Several parts in my computer needs replacing.
4. The invoice for the new omputer have been lost.
5. The teacher, along with the supervisors, make the important decision.
7. Television is one of the greatest invention of the twentieth century.
8. Each of my teachers are telling me to study harder.
9. People who have chosen their jobs wisely are enjoying what they do.
10. Television is taking preacious time from busy people.
11. Television is harmful to society and destroy communicarion among friends.
12. I recognize that telling lies can sometimes be useful. However, I found more advantages in telling the truth.
13. Eating food at stands or restaurants allows to spend time as I please.
14. The accident was just happened.
15. There are advantages to eat out.
16. I think that it is more important to create new employments.
17. This conclusion requires further examinations.
18. This conclusion is not reliable without an additional evidence.
19. Unlike other types of communications, face-to-face communication allows instant feedback.
20. Eating at home is more comfortable and relax.
21。She's enrolled in a twelve-weeks physics class.
22. My criteria for success are less stricter than yours.
23. I prefer eating at restaurants better than eating at home.
24. I disagree this opinion.
25. In poor countries labor costs are cheaper than de eloped countries.
26. English is not only hard to spell, but also to pronounce.
27. There may have been other different factors for their success.
28. I went to see my most favorite movie.
29. Thus, I reeived a bonus as a result.
30. We enjoued the same kinds of things such as travel, shopping, and so on.
[Tlanslate English into Japanese appropriately]
1. 私の友達は猫をたくさん買っています。
My friend has many cats.
2. 私は先生から推薦状を受け取りました。
I received a recommendation from my teacher.
-> I received a recommendation letter from my teacher.
3. 私はよく犬を講演に散歩に連れていきました。
I often walked my dog to the park.
4. 私は昨日プラントに水をあげませんでした。
I did not water plants yesterday.
-> I did not water my plants yesterday.
5. 私の父は驚いたようでした。
My father looked surprised.
6. 私はその知らせに心が躍りました。
I felt excited from the news.
-> I felt excited about the news.
7. 母は私に人生について多くを教えてくれました。
My mother told me a lot about life.
8. 父は私にまんがを買ってくれました。
My father bought me a comic book.
-> My father bought me comic books.
9. その知らせで私はうれしくなりました。
I felt happy from the news.
-> The news made me happy.
10. 私は教授にたくさんの質問をしました。
I asked many questions to the professor.
-> I asked my professor many questions.
11. 私は決して母の言葉を忘れません。
I never forget my mother's word.
-> I will never forget my mother's word.
12. 助けてくれる人はほとんどいませんでした。
Few people helped me.
13. 私は朝早く出て夜遅く帰宅します。
I leave home early morning, and come back at late night.
-> I leave home early in the morning and come back late at night.
14. 私はサッカーチームに入っていました。
I was in a soccer team.
-> I was on the soccert team.
15. ルームメートと住むには忍耐がいります。
Living with a roomate requires patience.
-> Living with roommates requires patience.
16. 私の責任は毎日犬に餌をやることでした。
My responsibility is to feed my dog every day.
-> My responsibility was to geed the dog every day.
17. 父が私に車の運転の仕方を教えてくれました。
My father taught me how to drive.
-> My father showed me how to drive a car.
18. 私は試験に合格するために一生懸命勉強しました。
I studied hard to pass the examination.
-> I studied hard to pass the exam.
19. 私は母が試験に合格したのを聞いてうれしいです。
I am happy to heat the news that my mother passed the examination.
-> I am happy to hear that my mother passed the exam.
20. 英語は習得が難しいです。
Learning English is difficult.
-> English is difficult to learn.
21. 彼女は私にもう電話しないように言いました。
She told me not to call her any more.
-> She asked me not to call her any more.
22. あの男の子は私の5歳の息子です。
That boy is my five-year-old son.
23. 水は酸素と水素で出来ています。
Water consists of oxygen and hydrogen.
24. 私はあのオフィスで働いています。
I worked at that office.
-> I worked in that office.
25. 私は昨年車で京都にいきました 。
I drived to Kyoto.
-> I drove to Kyoto last year.
26. 私は彼がここにいるのを知りませんでした。
I did not know that he was here.
27. 私は高校以来英語を勉強していません。
I have not studied English since high school.
28. 私は夫に始めてあったときを覚えています。
I remenber when first I met my husband.
-> I remember when I first met my husband.
29. 私は6歳のときに水泳を習いました。
I learned to swim when I was 6 years old.
-> I learned swimming when I was six years old.
30. 私はエルビスが住んでいた家を訪れました。
I visited the house in which Elvis lived.
-> I visited the house in which Elvis used to live.
[Practice how to introduce myself]
--- sample passage No.1 ---
My name is Taru Yamada. I was born in Chiba, Japan, and currently live with my wife in Tokyo. I am twenty seven yearts old and i graduated from Agos University in Shibuya, Tokyo four years ago. Right now, I work full-time as a sociology teacher at a private high school. In the future, I hope to study at graduate school in the U.S. I like reading, watching movies and walking my dogs.
--- sample passage No.2 ---
My name is Hanako Kimura. I was born in Saitama, Japan, where I still live with my family. Currently, I am a sophomore at Agos University in Tokyo, where I am majoring in mathematics. After I graduate, I hope to go on to graduate school to gain further knowledge on mathematics. I do not have a lot of free time, but I like to go shopping adn practice playing the piano on weekends.
--- practice ---
My name is Yohei Yasukawa. I was born in Tokyo, Japan, where I still live with my family. Currently, I am a sophomore at Waseda University in Tokyo, where I am majoring in computer science. After I graduate, I hope to go on to graduate school to gain further knowledge on computer science. I do not have a lot of free time, but I like playing socer, basketball, and valleyball on weekends.
[Practice how to introduce your friend]
--- sample passage No.1 ---
This is my friend, Junko Tanaka. We met when we were studying economics at the same university in Tokyo. Now she is working full-time at a bank in Kanagawa. We enjoy te same kinds of things, such as drinking beer and traveling abroad.
--- sample passage No.2 ---
This is my best friend, Kenji. We are both from Hiroshima and we went to the same high school. Currently, we are stdying at the same universit yin Tokyo. He is twenty-two years old and is working part-time at a Hawaiian restaurant in Shibuya, Tokyo. He likes playing the guitar, going to the beach and drinking beer. We often go to the beach to enjoy a barbecue in summer.
--- practice passage ---
This is my friend, Taro Tanaka. We met when we were studying economics at the same university in Tokyo. Now, he is working full-time at a bank in Kanagawa. we enjoy the same kinds of things, such as drinking beer and traveling abroad.
--- practice passage ---
This is my best friend, Taro. We are both from Saitama and we went to the same high school. Currently, we are studying at the same university in Tokyo. He is twenty-two years old and is working part-time t a Hawaiian restaurant in Shibuya, Tokyo. He likes playing trhe guitar, going to the beach and drinking beer. we often go to the beach to enjoy a barbecue in summer.
--- PP ---
This is my friend, Taro Tanaka. We first met when we were studying economics at the same university in Tokyo. Now, he is working full-time at a bank in Saitama, Tokyo. We often enjoy the same kinds of things, such as drinking beer and traveling abroad,
--- PP ---
This is my friend, Taro Tanaka. We first met when we were studying economics at the same university in Tokyo. Now, he is working fill-time at a bank in Kanagawa. We enjoy the same kinds of things, such as drinking beer and traveling abroad.
--- PP ---
This is my best friend, Kenji,. We are both from Hiroshima and we went to the same high schoo. Currently, we are studying at the same university inTokyo. He is twqenty^-two years old and is wrorking part-time at a Hawaiian restaurant in Shibuya, Tokyo. He likes playing the guitar, goiing to the beach and drinking beer. we often go to the beach to enjoy a barbecue in summaer.
--- PP ---
This is my best friend, Kenji. We are both from Hiroshima and we went to the same high school. Currently, we are studying at the same university in Tokyo. He is twenty-two years old and is working part-time at a Haawaiian restaurant in Shibuyra, Tokyo. He likes playing the guitar, going to the beach and drinking beer. We often go to the beach to enjoy a barbecue in summer.
--- PP ---
This is my best friend, Taro Tanaka. we are both from Saitama, Japan. and we went to the same high school. Currently, we are studying at the same university,in Tokyo. He is twenty-two years old and is working part-time at Hawaiian restauerant.WHe likes playing the guitar, going to the beach. We often enjoy going to the beach in summer.
--- PP ---
This is my best friend, Taro Tanaka. we are both from Hiroshima and we wwent to the same high school. Currently, we are studying at the same university. He is twenty-tow years old and is working part-time at a Hawaiian restaurandtt in Shibuya, Tokyo. He likes playing fuitar, going to the beach and drinking beer.We often go to the beach to enjoy a barbecue in sammer.
[Basic Writing pattern - explain your past ages - ]
--- pattern 1 ---
When I was ten years old, I used to play soccer with my friends in the schoolyard. We had such a good time that we became an excellent soccer player.
--- pattern 2 ---
The most positive experience in my childhood was when my family took a vacation to Disner World in Florida.
The most positive experience in my childhood was when my family moved to Europe for two years.
^^^ pattern 3 ---
MY most negative experience when I was in high school was when my friend god into a fight with me.
My most negative experience when I was in high schpp; was whsn my friend stole my girlfriend.
My most negative experience when i was in high school was when my friend moved away to Korea.
--- pattern 4 ---
I studyied English literature in college, and it was very interesting because I learned all about human nature. The instructor, Mr. Bones.. was a vbery wise person who often used examples from his own expeeriences in class.
I studied music in high school, and it was very interesting because I learned many new aspects of music. The instructor., Mrs. Mozard, was a very brilliant person who often played the piano for the class.
I studyies accounting in college, and it was very interesting because I learned many useful skills. The instructor, Mr. Dullsman, was a very precise person who often recited the rules of accounting from memory.
I studied English literature when I was in college and it was very interesting because I learned all about native human. The instructor, Mr.Bones, was a very wise person who often used examples from his own experience in class.
I studyied English literature in college, and it was very interesting because I learnewd all about native human. The instructor, Mr.Bones, was a very wise person who often used examples from his own experiences in class
I studied English literature when I was in college, and it was very interesting because I learned all about native human. The instructor, Mr.Bones, was a wise person who often used examples from his own experiences in class.
^^^ pettern 5 ---
My first assignment in the company was to edit the company newsletter. My responsibility was to finsd mistakes in the writing. I liked the job because I learned how to write better. My next job was as a writer.
My first part-time job was building wooden gences. My responsibility was ti dig holes one meter deep in the grtound. I hated the job because the work was very tiring. My next job was as a supervisor.
My first assignment in the company was to create a new marketing plan. My responsibility was to design the advertising campagn adnd develop the company)s brands. I liked the job because it re uiewd a lotof creativity. My next job was as Vice President of marketing.
My first assignment in the company was to edit the company newsletter. My responsibility was to find mistakes in the writing. I like\d the job because I learned how to write better. My next job was as a writer.
My firstassignment in the company was to edit the company newsletter. My responsibility was to find mistakes in the writing. I liked the job because I learned how to write better. My nexrt job was as a writer.
My first assignment in the company was to edit the company newsletter. My responsibility was to find mistakes in the writing. I liked the job because I learned how towrite better. My next job was as a writer.
--- pattern 6 ---
My biggest achievement in college was when I won the debate contest. the purpose of the contest was to develop strong speaking skills.
My biggest achievement in college was when I received an A on my final thesis. The purpose of the project was to evaluate the great writers of ancient Greece.
My biggest achievement in high school was when I broke the school recortd fgor the 100 meter racve. The purpoose of the race was to show our athletic skills.
My biggest achievement when aI was in college was that i won the debate contest. oThe purpose of the contest was to develop strong speaking skills.
My biggest achievement when I was in college was that I won the debate contest. The purpose of the contest was to develop strong speaking skills.
My biggest achievement in college was when I won the debate contest. TRhe purpose of the contest was to dev elop strong speaking skills.
When I was ten years old, I used to play soccer in schoolyars. We had such a good time that I became an excellent soccerplayer.
[pattern 24]
I studied English literature when I was in college, and it was very interesting because I learned all about native human. The instructor, Mr.Bones, was a very wise person who often used examples from his own experiences in class.
[pattern 6]
My biggest achievement in college was when I won the debate contest. The purpose of the contest was to develop strong speaking skills.
[pattern 1 4 6]
When I was ten years old, I used to play soccer with my friends in the schoolyard. We had such a good time that I became an excellent soccer player.
I studied English literature when I was in college, and it was very interesting because I learned all about humane nature. The instructor , Mr.Bones, was a very wise person who often used examples from his own experiences in class.
My biggest achievement in college was when I won the debate contest. The purpose of the contest was to develop strong speaking skills.
[intrucude myself passage]
My name is Yohei Yasukawa. I was born in Tokyo, Japan, where I still live with my family. Currently, I am a ssophomore at Waseda University in Tokyo, where I am majoring in computer science. After I graduate, I hope to go on to graduate school to gain further knowledge on computer science. I do not have a lot of free time, but I often enjoy playing soccer, basketball and valleybll on weekends.
*** Question: Why do you think people attend college or university? ***
*** Answer] I think that people attend college or university fort the following reasons. ***
1. People can learn new ideas and ways of thinking.
2. People can learn about one area of interest in depth.
3. People can acquire the skills and knowledge they will need to think critically.
4. People can develop the imagination and sensitivity needed to enjoy and benefit from art, music, and literature.
I think that people attend college or university for the following reasons.
First, people can learn about one area of interest in depth. For example, I took Professor Kabata's music class when I was a junior at Tokyo University in Japan in 1998. We listened to Bach every week. He showed the class and me how music can be a deeply satisfying way to explore our emotions. Ever since then, I have been attending concerns regularly. Going to college is a great way to learn more about a certain subject in depth.
Second, people can learn
I think that people attend college or university for the following reasons.
First, people can learn about one area of interest in depth. For example, i took Progfessor Kaabata's music class when I was a junior at Waseda University in Japan in 2008. We listenind to bach every week. Heshowed the class and me how music can be a deeply satisgying way to explore our emotions. Ever since then, I have been attending concerts regularly. Going to college is a great way to learn more about a cerain subject in depth.
First, people can learn about one area of interest in depth.
For example, I took Professor kabata's music class when I was a junior at Waseda University in Tokyo, in 2008.
We listened to Bach every week.
He showed the class and me how music can be a depply satisfying way to explore our emotions.
Ever since then, I have been attending concerts regularly.
Going to college is a great way to learn more about a certain subject in depth.
I think that people attend college or university for the following reasons.
First, people can learn about one of interest in depth.
For example, I took Professor Kbaata7s music class when ai was a junior at Waseda University in Tokyo, in 2008.
We listened to Bach every week.
He showed the class and me how music can be a deeply satisfying way to explore our emostions.
Ever since then, I have been attending concerts regularly.
Going to college is a great way to learn more about a vertain subject in depth.
I think that people attend university or college for the following reasons.
First, people can learn about one area of interest in depth.
For example, I took Professor Kabata's music class when I was a junior at Waseda University in Tokyo, in 2008.
We listened to Bach every week.
He showed the class and me how music can be a deeply satisfying way to explore our emotions.
Ever since then, I have been attending concerts regularly.
Going to college is a great way to learn more about a certain subject in depth.
I think that people attend University or college for the following reasons.
First, people can learn about one area of interest in depth. For example, I took Professor Kabata's music class when I was a junior at Waseda University in Tokyo, in 2008. We listened to Bach every week. He showed the class and me how music can be a deeply satisfying way to explore our emotions. Ever since then, I have been attending concerts regularly. Going to college is a great way to learn more about a certain subject in depth.
I think that people attend college or university for the following reasons.
First, people can learn about one area ofdg interest in depth. For example, I took Professor Kabata's music class when I was a junior at Waseda Univwerrsity in Tokyo , in 2008.
We listened to Bach every week.
He showed the class and me how music can be a deeply satisfying way to explore our emotions.
Ever since then, I have been attending concerts regularly.
Going to college is a great wayu to leacrn more about a certqain subject in depth.
My name is Yohei Yaskawa. I was born in Tokyo, Japan, where I still live with my family.I am a sophomore at Waseda University in Tokyo, where I am majoring in computer science. After I graduate, I hope to go on to graduate school to gain further knowledge on computer science.
I do not have a lot of free time, but I like to play basketball, soccer and volleyball on weekends.
[pattern 1 4 6]
When I was ten years old, I used to play soccer in schoolyard. We had such a good time that I became an excellent soccer player.
I studied English literature when I was in college, and it was very interesting because I learned about human nature. The instrucxtor, Mr.Bones, was a very wise person who used examples from his own experiences in class.
My biggest achievement in college was when I won the debate contest. The purpose of the contest was to developo strong speaking skills.
When I was ten years old, I used to play sovver with my friends in schoolyard.We had such a good time that I became an excellent soccer player.
I studied English literature in college, and it was very interesting because I learned all about human nature. The instructor, Mr.Bones, was a very wise person who often used examples from his own experiences in class.
I think that people attend college or university for the following reasons.
First, people can learn about one area of interest in depth. For example, I took Professor Kabata's music class wehen I was a junior at Waseda University in Tokyo, in2008. We listened to Bach every week. He showed the class and me how music can be a deeply satisfying way to explore our emotions. Ever since then, I have been attendin concerts regularly. Going to college is a great way to learn more about a certain subject in depth.
Second, people can ///
[Translate English into Japanese appropriately]
1. 私の友達は猫をたくさん買っています。
My friend has many cats.
2. 私は先生から推薦状を受け取りました。
I received a recommendation letter from my teacher.
3. 私はよく犬を講演に散歩に連れていきました。
I often walked my dog to the park.
4. 私は昨日プラントに水をあげませんでした。
I did not water my plants yesterday.
5. 私の父は驚いたようでした。
My father looked surprised.
6. 私はその知らせに心が躍りました。
I felt excited about the news.
7. 母は私に人生について多くを教えてくれました。
My mother told me a lot about life.
8. 父は私にまんがを買ってくれました。
My father bought me comic books.
9. その知らせで私はうれしくなりました。
The news made me happy.
10. 私は教授にたくさんの質問をしました。
I asked my professor a lot of questions.
11. 私は決して母の言葉を忘れません。
I will never forget my mother7s word.
12. 助けてくれる人はほとんどいませんでした。
Few people heloed me.
13. 私は朝早く出て夜遅く帰宅します。
I leave home early in the morniong and come back late at night.
14. 私はサッカーチームに入っていました。
I was on the soccer team.
15. ルームメートと住むには忍耐がいります。
Living with roommates requires patience.
16. 私の責任は毎日犬に餌をやることでした。
My responsibility was to feed the dog every day.
17. 父が私に車の運転の仕方を教えてくれました。
My father showed me how to drive a car.
18. 私は試験に合格するために一生懸命勉強しました。
i studied hard to pass the exam.
19. 私は母が試験に合格したのを聞いてうれしいです。
I am happy to hear that my mother passed the exam.
20. 英語は習得が難しいです。
English is difficult to learn.
21. 彼女は私にもう電話しないように言いました。
She asked me not to call her any more.
22. あの男の子は私の5歳の息子です。
That boy is my five-year-old son.
23. 水は酸素と水素で出来ています。
Water consists of oxygen and hydrogen.
24. 私はあのオフィスで働いています。
I worked in that office.
25. 私は昨年車で京都にいきました 。
I drove to Kyoto last year.
26. 私は彼がここにいるのを知りませんでした。
I did not know that he was here.
27. 私は高校以来英語を勉強していません。
I have not studied English since high school.
28. 私は夫に始めてあったときを覚えています。
I remember that I first met my husband.
29. 私は6歳のときに水泳を習いました。
I learned swimming when I was six years old.
30. 私はエルビスが住んでいた家を訪れました。
I visited the house in which Elvis used to live.
Lapses of Memory
しまった!?インターンの単位申請し忘れた!!インターン開始前に申請しないといけないのに、インターンは明日からという孔明の罠!!というかSoCとTOEFLばかりに気を取られてて、Traffic Theoryのレポートの存在も忘れてた!!ニコ○○動画なんて見てる場合じゃないって!
と、そんなこんなでインターン関係は何とか一時的に片がついて、現在はTraffic Theoryのレポートを鋭意制作中。ってblog投稿してる場合じゃなくね!?
と、そんなこんなでインターン関係は何とか一時的に片がついて、現在はTraffic Theoryのレポートを鋭意制作中。ってblog投稿してる場合じゃなくね!?
Strategy, SoC memo C1(1)
Basic TOEFLが昨日ようやく終わりました。途中から何人かUSAに帰ったので、結果、最終日の受講生の状況がハーレム状態だったのが唯一の良い思い出です。一方で、まわりの受講生が全員高校生とはいえ、皆帰国子女だったので、readingの早さとかlisteningの把握力とか負けまくりだったのはつらい思い出 orz。ま、最後のテストではぼちぼちいい点数取れたので、よしということで。
今回、さらっとTOEFL iBTの概要を学んだだけだけど、やっぱstrategyは大事だね。readingとか、ITPの問題だったけど、普通に正答率2倍になったわ。Listeningも同じく、とりあえず正答率が5割を越えた。ただ、iBTのstrategyは本当にさらっとやっただけで、まだ勉強していないところもいっぱいあるらしい。実際、今までやってたのはR/Lだけだしね。
と、そんなこんなで、明日からはiBTのR/L standardとBasic Writingの授業開始です。今まで最年長だったけど、今度は社会人クラスなので最年少になるらしい。といっても特に変わらないと思うけど(帰国子女がいなくなる分、全体的にはレベルダウンするのかな)。まぁ、とにかく、ぼちぼち頑張ります。
----- SoC C1 (1) NOTE(途中) -----
レポート課題:C1章(2)No1 演習1,2 PP.69
1. プロセスモデルのOSとスレッドモデルのOSの特徴を説明せよ。
2. 4種類のOSの動作モデルと特徴を述べよ。
----- noteのまとめ -----
[C1章 組み込みソフトウェアの基礎(1)]
IT:Information Technology
-> インターネット系情報サービス
Ex. 銀行のオンラインシステム、座席予約システム
ET: Embedded Technology
-> ある目的に専用化されたシステム。具体的には、汎用コンピュータ以外のコンピュータシステム。
Ex. i-Pod, 家電, 携帯(ただし,iアプリは汎用コンピュータ)
Ex. java program, PDA
- 厳しいリソースの制約
- 高い信頼性
cf. 回収経路が違う。
cf. windows XPがフリーズしても、ユーザには暗黙の諦めがある。
cf. i-Podがフリーズしたら、ユーザはクレームをつける。
1. 重大な欠陥にたいする賠償→めちゃくちゃ損害が大きい
Ex: Panasonicが10年前に行った欠陥ストーブの回収
2. 開発サイクルの短縮
Q. 技術者に余裕をもたらすために、生産サイクルの単位をもっとゆとりを持たせられないのか?
A. ユーザがそれを求める限り、企業倫理的に無理。
ex. 過去の資産を活用、開発工程の管理
1. Sencorがある
2. Actuatorがある
3. I/Oが違う
motorだけとっても、制御の仕方は他にも、AC(Alternating Current)・stepping・sorvo・linerなどがある。
Analog量とDegital量, Sampling Freq, AD transformation
1. 可逆圧縮
2. 不可逆圧縮(圧縮率高い)
1. Run Length
・組み込みシステムで扱うOS(基本的にCAやOS、programing Cで勉強したこと)
内容:MPU内部における割り込みの動作、外部割り込みと内部割り込み、Big EndianとLittle Endian、←の性能比較、
- NMI(Non Mashable Interrupt):停電等が起こってもいつでも割り込みで切るような仕組み
- BigEndian: 上位バイトから出力
- LittleEndian: 下位バイトから出力
→読み込みの時はBig Endianの方がよい。
- ではなぜLittle Endianが主流なのか?
→Little Endianは当初、計算機気のためではなく、電卓のために設計されたから。
→このため、現代でもその名残りとしてLittle Endian方式が主流となってしまった。
→デバック時や、memory dumpで内容を把握するときに便利。
→自然界のあらゆる現象は、すべてBig Endianと同じだから。
- write through: 書き込み時に、キャッシュメモリと実際のメモリに対して書き込みを行う
- write back: 書き込み時に、キャッシュメモリだけを書き換えて、実際のメモリに対しては書き込みを行わない(メモリはちょっと遠い位置にあるので)
使用例:ある程度write backでメモリを無視おき、write throughで今までの内容を一気に書き込む。
現役高校生と共に勉強しながらはや2日。噂では、課題の量がそこそこあるとは聞いていたが、正直そこまでではない。なんせ一日で終わるぐらいだからね。来週からは始まるstandard classでは、課題量が大体1.5倍ぐらいになるらしいけど、それでも1 class/weekなら無問題レベルじゃねwwwww
そういえば、writing classも同時平行で取っていたな、と。writingの課題は比較的多いとか言ってたから、まぁとりあえずstandard classよりは多いはず。インターンで平日は夕方からしか勉強できないことを考慮すると、大体毎週の課題を終わらせるのに3日ぐらいかかるのかな、多分。
Passage: Geology
と、いうわけで、次はword listとlisteningとstructure!
P.S. 明日必着の履歴書がまだ郵送されていない件
Block cource: SoC Design
Until today, I took block class which lasts three consecutive days from the next day of final test held. Definitely, it was difficult for me to listen to class from 10:40 to 19:30, because, you know, too long! But with my stress, I have listened to teacher saying at the place called "frontier", however, I was not able to study at there without 2 liter pet bottle per day. I know some engineers taught to us with good presentation, but others...orz Anyway, I would not like to hear "SoC" no more!
By the way, I have finished final mini-research report, so I finally get my own time! So, I will leave for Fukushima Pref. in 6 hours, for participating in the ESS camp as a vacancy! Maybe, I have at least several assignments more, but... I do not care anymore! I will think about it after return.
投稿 (Atom)