
I can spark England very well.

Today, I dropped by this web page below.


,where there are so unique sentences, thou? i was not able to look at the sentences, such as the title of this post, without laughing. this is, we can probably say, 2channelic english. even now, u know, i can't write english politely, and can't produce english with uniqueness. so i hope i could handle english as funny as the sentences on the webpage, not only to straight express stuff.

i wonder if i finish weekly homework...but, i believe it's ok because i got the proverb(?)...
...IT'S NOT TIME FOR PANIC YET, though i'm going to participate in camp tommorow. right?

ヾヽ'::::::::::::::::::::::::::'',    / 時 .あ ま ヽ
ヾゝ:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::{     |  間 .わ だ  |
ヽ::r----―‐;:::::|    | じ て    |
ィ:f_、 、_,..,ヽrリ    .|  ゃ る     |
L|` "'  ' " ´bノ     |  な よ     |
',  、,..   ,イ    ヽ い う    /
_ト, ‐;:-  / トr-、_   \  な   /
,  __. ィイ´ |:|: ヽ-- '.: 〃   `i,r-- 、_  ̄ ̄
〃/ '" !:!  |:| :、 . .: 〃  i // `   ヽヾ
/ /     |:|  ヾ,、`  ´// ヽ !:!     '、`
!      |:| // ヾ==' '  i  i' |:|        ',
|   ...://   l      / __ ,   |:|::..       |
とニとヾ_-‐'  ∨ i l  '     l |< 天  ヾ,-、_: : : .ヽ
と二ヽ`  ヽ、_::{:! l l         ! |' 夂__ -'_,ド ヽ、_}-、_:ヽ

sorry for rough sentence!

see ya later, alligator!

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