Cool Biz
そうそう、僕が思うR&Dの最もよいところは、Cool Bizという名の私服出勤です。「あれ…? Cool・・・ Biz…?」的な服装が最高ですw。Googleでは、開発系社員の私服出勤を既に公言していますが、やはり研究開発系の職はスーツで出勤する必要性があまり無いみたいですね。いやぁホント、最高の環境ですw。一応僕はインターン生なんで、インターンシップ中にあまりでしゃばった真似をするつもりはありませんが、将来の職種の候補としてR&D系も良いかなぁと思いました。
P.S. 予備校もインターンシップも著作権やら秘密保持契約やらの関係で、あまり立ち入った内容がしゃべれないのがもどかしい今日この頃。
[Text pp.5-6]
Correct any error in each sentence below.
1. Dr.Tanaka recieived a PH.D.from Princeton University.
2. When I was a child,I used to play tennis,but my sister didn't.
3. Several parts in my computer needs replacing.
4. The invoice for the new omputer have been lost.
5. The teacher, along with the supervisors, make the important decision.
7. Television is one of the greatest invention of the twentieth century.
8. Each of my teachers are telling me to study harder.
9. People who have chosen their jobs wisely are enjoying what they do.
10. Television is taking preacious time from busy people.
11. Television is harmful to society and destroy communicarion among friends.
12. I recognize that telling lies can sometimes be useful. However, I found more advantages in telling the truth.
13. Eating food at stands or restaurants allows to spend time as I please.
14. The accident was just happened.
15. There are advantages to eat out.
16. I think that it is more important to create new employments.
17. This conclusion requires further examinations.
18. This conclusion is not reliable without an additional evidence.
19. Unlike other types of communications, face-to-face communication allows instant feedback.
20. Eating at home is more comfortable and relax.
21。She's enrolled in a twelve-weeks physics class.
22. My criteria for success are less stricter than yours.
23. I prefer eating at restaurants better than eating at home.
24. I disagree this opinion.
25. In poor countries labor costs are cheaper than de eloped countries.
26. English is not only hard to spell, but also to pronounce.
27. There may have been other different factors for their success.
28. I went to see my most favorite movie.
29. Thus, I reeived a bonus as a result.
30. We enjoued the same kinds of things such as travel, shopping, and so on.
[Tlanslate English into Japanese appropriately]
1. 私の友達は猫をたくさん買っています。
My friend has many cats.
2. 私は先生から推薦状を受け取りました。
I received a recommendation from my teacher.
-> I received a recommendation letter from my teacher.
3. 私はよく犬を講演に散歩に連れていきました。
I often walked my dog to the park.
4. 私は昨日プラントに水をあげませんでした。
I did not water plants yesterday.
-> I did not water my plants yesterday.
5. 私の父は驚いたようでした。
My father looked surprised.
6. 私はその知らせに心が躍りました。
I felt excited from the news.
-> I felt excited about the news.
7. 母は私に人生について多くを教えてくれました。
My mother told me a lot about life.
8. 父は私にまんがを買ってくれました。
My father bought me a comic book.
-> My father bought me comic books.
9. その知らせで私はうれしくなりました。
I felt happy from the news.
-> The news made me happy.
10. 私は教授にたくさんの質問をしました。
I asked many questions to the professor.
-> I asked my professor many questions.
11. 私は決して母の言葉を忘れません。
I never forget my mother's word.
-> I will never forget my mother's word.
12. 助けてくれる人はほとんどいませんでした。
Few people helped me.
13. 私は朝早く出て夜遅く帰宅します。
I leave home early morning, and come back at late night.
-> I leave home early in the morning and come back late at night.
14. 私はサッカーチームに入っていました。
I was in a soccer team.
-> I was on the soccert team.
15. ルームメートと住むには忍耐がいります。
Living with a roomate requires patience.
-> Living with roommates requires patience.
16. 私の責任は毎日犬に餌をやることでした。
My responsibility is to feed my dog every day.
-> My responsibility was to geed the dog every day.
17. 父が私に車の運転の仕方を教えてくれました。
My father taught me how to drive.
-> My father showed me how to drive a car.
18. 私は試験に合格するために一生懸命勉強しました。
I studied hard to pass the examination.
-> I studied hard to pass the exam.
19. 私は母が試験に合格したのを聞いてうれしいです。
I am happy to heat the news that my mother passed the examination.
-> I am happy to hear that my mother passed the exam.
20. 英語は習得が難しいです。
Learning English is difficult.
-> English is difficult to learn.
21. 彼女は私にもう電話しないように言いました。
She told me not to call her any more.
-> She asked me not to call her any more.
22. あの男の子は私の5歳の息子です。
That boy is my five-year-old son.
23. 水は酸素と水素で出来ています。
Water consists of oxygen and hydrogen.
24. 私はあのオフィスで働いています。
I worked at that office.
-> I worked in that office.
25. 私は昨年車で京都にいきました 。
I drived to Kyoto.
-> I drove to Kyoto last year.
26. 私は彼がここにいるのを知りませんでした。
I did not know that he was here.
27. 私は高校以来英語を勉強していません。
I have not studied English since high school.
28. 私は夫に始めてあったときを覚えています。
I remenber when first I met my husband.
-> I remember when I first met my husband.
29. 私は6歳のときに水泳を習いました。
I learned to swim when I was 6 years old.
-> I learned swimming when I was six years old.
30. 私はエルビスが住んでいた家を訪れました。
I visited the house in which Elvis lived.
-> I visited the house in which Elvis used to live.
[Practice how to introduce myself]
--- sample passage No.1 ---
My name is Taru Yamada. I was born in Chiba, Japan, and currently live with my wife in Tokyo. I am twenty seven yearts old and i graduated from Agos University in Shibuya, Tokyo four years ago. Right now, I work full-time as a sociology teacher at a private high school. In the future, I hope to study at graduate school in the U.S. I like reading, watching movies and walking my dogs.
--- sample passage No.2 ---
My name is Hanako Kimura. I was born in Saitama, Japan, where I still live with my family. Currently, I am a sophomore at Agos University in Tokyo, where I am majoring in mathematics. After I graduate, I hope to go on to graduate school to gain further knowledge on mathematics. I do not have a lot of free time, but I like to go shopping adn practice playing the piano on weekends.
--- practice ---
My name is Yohei Yasukawa. I was born in Tokyo, Japan, where I still live with my family. Currently, I am a sophomore at Waseda University in Tokyo, where I am majoring in computer science. After I graduate, I hope to go on to graduate school to gain further knowledge on computer science. I do not have a lot of free time, but I like playing socer, basketball, and valleyball on weekends.
[Practice how to introduce your friend]
--- sample passage No.1 ---
This is my friend, Junko Tanaka. We met when we were studying economics at the same university in Tokyo. Now she is working full-time at a bank in Kanagawa. We enjoy te same kinds of things, such as drinking beer and traveling abroad.
--- sample passage No.2 ---
This is my best friend, Kenji. We are both from Hiroshima and we went to the same high school. Currently, we are stdying at the same universit yin Tokyo. He is twenty-two years old and is working part-time at a Hawaiian restaurant in Shibuya, Tokyo. He likes playing the guitar, going to the beach and drinking beer. We often go to the beach to enjoy a barbecue in summer.
--- practice passage ---
This is my friend, Taro Tanaka. We met when we were studying economics at the same university in Tokyo. Now, he is working full-time at a bank in Kanagawa. we enjoy the same kinds of things, such as drinking beer and traveling abroad.
--- practice passage ---
This is my best friend, Taro. We are both from Saitama and we went to the same high school. Currently, we are studying at the same university in Tokyo. He is twenty-two years old and is working part-time t a Hawaiian restaurant in Shibuya, Tokyo. He likes playing trhe guitar, going to the beach and drinking beer. we often go to the beach to enjoy a barbecue in summer.
--- PP ---
This is my friend, Taro Tanaka. We first met when we were studying economics at the same university in Tokyo. Now, he is working full-time at a bank in Saitama, Tokyo. We often enjoy the same kinds of things, such as drinking beer and traveling abroad,
--- PP ---
This is my friend, Taro Tanaka. We first met when we were studying economics at the same university in Tokyo. Now, he is working fill-time at a bank in Kanagawa. We enjoy the same kinds of things, such as drinking beer and traveling abroad.
--- PP ---
This is my best friend, Kenji,. We are both from Hiroshima and we went to the same high schoo. Currently, we are studying at the same university inTokyo. He is twqenty^-two years old and is wrorking part-time at a Hawaiian restaurant in Shibuya, Tokyo. He likes playing the guitar, goiing to the beach and drinking beer. we often go to the beach to enjoy a barbecue in summaer.
--- PP ---
This is my best friend, Kenji. We are both from Hiroshima and we went to the same high school. Currently, we are studying at the same university in Tokyo. He is twenty-two years old and is working part-time at a Haawaiian restaurant in Shibuyra, Tokyo. He likes playing the guitar, going to the beach and drinking beer. We often go to the beach to enjoy a barbecue in summer.
--- PP ---
This is my best friend, Taro Tanaka. we are both from Saitama, Japan. and we went to the same high school. Currently, we are studying at the same university,in Tokyo. He is twenty-two years old and is working part-time at Hawaiian restauerant.WHe likes playing the guitar, going to the beach. We often enjoy going to the beach in summer.
--- PP ---
This is my best friend, Taro Tanaka. we are both from Hiroshima and we wwent to the same high school. Currently, we are studying at the same university. He is twenty-tow years old and is working part-time at a Hawaiian restaurandtt in Shibuya, Tokyo. He likes playing fuitar, going to the beach and drinking beer.We often go to the beach to enjoy a barbecue in sammer.
[Basic Writing pattern - explain your past ages - ]
--- pattern 1 ---
When I was ten years old, I used to play soccer with my friends in the schoolyard. We had such a good time that we became an excellent soccer player.
--- pattern 2 ---
The most positive experience in my childhood was when my family took a vacation to Disner World in Florida.
The most positive experience in my childhood was when my family moved to Europe for two years.
^^^ pattern 3 ---
MY most negative experience when I was in high school was when my friend god into a fight with me.
My most negative experience when I was in high schpp; was whsn my friend stole my girlfriend.
My most negative experience when i was in high school was when my friend moved away to Korea.
--- pattern 4 ---
I studyied English literature in college, and it was very interesting because I learned all about human nature. The instructor, Mr. Bones.. was a vbery wise person who often used examples from his own expeeriences in class.
I studied music in high school, and it was very interesting because I learned many new aspects of music. The instructor., Mrs. Mozard, was a very brilliant person who often played the piano for the class.
I studyies accounting in college, and it was very interesting because I learned many useful skills. The instructor, Mr. Dullsman, was a very precise person who often recited the rules of accounting from memory.
I studied English literature when I was in college and it was very interesting because I learned all about native human. The instructor, Mr.Bones, was a very wise person who often used examples from his own experience in class.
I studyied English literature in college, and it was very interesting because I learnewd all about native human. The instructor, Mr.Bones, was a very wise person who often used examples from his own experiences in class
I studied English literature when I was in college, and it was very interesting because I learned all about native human. The instructor, Mr.Bones, was a wise person who often used examples from his own experiences in class.
^^^ pettern 5 ---
My first assignment in the company was to edit the company newsletter. My responsibility was to finsd mistakes in the writing. I liked the job because I learned how to write better. My next job was as a writer.
My first part-time job was building wooden gences. My responsibility was ti dig holes one meter deep in the grtound. I hated the job because the work was very tiring. My next job was as a supervisor.
My first assignment in the company was to create a new marketing plan. My responsibility was to design the advertising campagn adnd develop the company)s brands. I liked the job because it re uiewd a lotof creativity. My next job was as Vice President of marketing.
My first assignment in the company was to edit the company newsletter. My responsibility was to find mistakes in the writing. I like\d the job because I learned how to write better. My next job was as a writer.
My firstassignment in the company was to edit the company newsletter. My responsibility was to find mistakes in the writing. I liked the job because I learned how to write better. My nexrt job was as a writer.
My first assignment in the company was to edit the company newsletter. My responsibility was to find mistakes in the writing. I liked the job because I learned how towrite better. My next job was as a writer.
--- pattern 6 ---
My biggest achievement in college was when I won the debate contest. the purpose of the contest was to develop strong speaking skills.
My biggest achievement in college was when I received an A on my final thesis. The purpose of the project was to evaluate the great writers of ancient Greece.
My biggest achievement in high school was when I broke the school recortd fgor the 100 meter racve. The purpoose of the race was to show our athletic skills.
My biggest achievement when aI was in college was that i won the debate contest. oThe purpose of the contest was to develop strong speaking skills.
My biggest achievement when I was in college was that I won the debate contest. The purpose of the contest was to develop strong speaking skills.
My biggest achievement in college was when I won the debate contest. TRhe purpose of the contest was to dev elop strong speaking skills.
When I was ten years old, I used to play soccer in schoolyars. We had such a good time that I became an excellent soccerplayer.
[pattern 24]
I studied English literature when I was in college, and it was very interesting because I learned all about native human. The instructor, Mr.Bones, was a very wise person who often used examples from his own experiences in class.
[pattern 6]
My biggest achievement in college was when I won the debate contest. The purpose of the contest was to develop strong speaking skills.
[pattern 1 4 6]
When I was ten years old, I used to play soccer with my friends in the schoolyard. We had such a good time that I became an excellent soccer player.
I studied English literature when I was in college, and it was very interesting because I learned all about humane nature. The instructor , Mr.Bones, was a very wise person who often used examples from his own experiences in class.
My biggest achievement in college was when I won the debate contest. The purpose of the contest was to develop strong speaking skills.
[intrucude myself passage]
My name is Yohei Yasukawa. I was born in Tokyo, Japan, where I still live with my family. Currently, I am a ssophomore at Waseda University in Tokyo, where I am majoring in computer science. After I graduate, I hope to go on to graduate school to gain further knowledge on computer science. I do not have a lot of free time, but I often enjoy playing soccer, basketball and valleybll on weekends.
*** Question: Why do you think people attend college or university? ***
*** Answer] I think that people attend college or university fort the following reasons. ***
1. People can learn new ideas and ways of thinking.
2. People can learn about one area of interest in depth.
3. People can acquire the skills and knowledge they will need to think critically.
4. People can develop the imagination and sensitivity needed to enjoy and benefit from art, music, and literature.
I think that people attend college or university for the following reasons.
First, people can learn about one area of interest in depth. For example, I took Professor Kabata's music class when I was a junior at Tokyo University in Japan in 1998. We listened to Bach every week. He showed the class and me how music can be a deeply satisfying way to explore our emotions. Ever since then, I have been attending concerns regularly. Going to college is a great way to learn more about a certain subject in depth.
Second, people can learn
I think that people attend college or university for the following reasons.
First, people can learn about one area of interest in depth. For example, i took Progfessor Kaabata's music class when I was a junior at Waseda University in Japan in 2008. We listenind to bach every week. Heshowed the class and me how music can be a deeply satisgying way to explore our emotions. Ever since then, I have been attending concerts regularly. Going to college is a great way to learn more about a cerain subject in depth.
First, people can learn about one area of interest in depth.
For example, I took Professor kabata's music class when I was a junior at Waseda University in Tokyo, in 2008.
We listened to Bach every week.
He showed the class and me how music can be a depply satisfying way to explore our emotions.
Ever since then, I have been attending concerts regularly.
Going to college is a great way to learn more about a certain subject in depth.
I think that people attend college or university for the following reasons.
First, people can learn about one of interest in depth.
For example, I took Professor Kbaata7s music class when ai was a junior at Waseda University in Tokyo, in 2008.
We listened to Bach every week.
He showed the class and me how music can be a deeply satisfying way to explore our emostions.
Ever since then, I have been attending concerts regularly.
Going to college is a great way to learn more about a vertain subject in depth.
I think that people attend university or college for the following reasons.
First, people can learn about one area of interest in depth.
For example, I took Professor Kabata's music class when I was a junior at Waseda University in Tokyo, in 2008.
We listened to Bach every week.
He showed the class and me how music can be a deeply satisfying way to explore our emotions.
Ever since then, I have been attending concerts regularly.
Going to college is a great way to learn more about a certain subject in depth.
I think that people attend University or college for the following reasons.
First, people can learn about one area of interest in depth. For example, I took Professor Kabata's music class when I was a junior at Waseda University in Tokyo, in 2008. We listened to Bach every week. He showed the class and me how music can be a deeply satisfying way to explore our emotions. Ever since then, I have been attending concerts regularly. Going to college is a great way to learn more about a certain subject in depth.
I think that people attend college or university for the following reasons.
First, people can learn about one area ofdg interest in depth. For example, I took Professor Kabata's music class when I was a junior at Waseda Univwerrsity in Tokyo , in 2008.
We listened to Bach every week.
He showed the class and me how music can be a deeply satisfying way to explore our emotions.
Ever since then, I have been attending concerts regularly.
Going to college is a great wayu to leacrn more about a certqain subject in depth.
My name is Yohei Yaskawa. I was born in Tokyo, Japan, where I still live with my family.I am a sophomore at Waseda University in Tokyo, where I am majoring in computer science. After I graduate, I hope to go on to graduate school to gain further knowledge on computer science.
I do not have a lot of free time, but I like to play basketball, soccer and volleyball on weekends.
[pattern 1 4 6]
When I was ten years old, I used to play soccer in schoolyard. We had such a good time that I became an excellent soccer player.
I studied English literature when I was in college, and it was very interesting because I learned about human nature. The instrucxtor, Mr.Bones, was a very wise person who used examples from his own experiences in class.
My biggest achievement in college was when I won the debate contest. The purpose of the contest was to developo strong speaking skills.
When I was ten years old, I used to play sovver with my friends in schoolyard.We had such a good time that I became an excellent soccer player.
I studied English literature in college, and it was very interesting because I learned all about human nature. The instructor, Mr.Bones, was a very wise person who often used examples from his own experiences in class.
I think that people attend college or university for the following reasons.
First, people can learn about one area of interest in depth. For example, I took Professor Kabata's music class wehen I was a junior at Waseda University in Tokyo, in2008. We listened to Bach every week. He showed the class and me how music can be a deeply satisfying way to explore our emotions. Ever since then, I have been attendin concerts regularly. Going to college is a great way to learn more about a certain subject in depth.
Second, people can ///
[Translate English into Japanese appropriately]
1. 私の友達は猫をたくさん買っています。
My friend has many cats.
2. 私は先生から推薦状を受け取りました。
I received a recommendation letter from my teacher.
3. 私はよく犬を講演に散歩に連れていきました。
I often walked my dog to the park.
4. 私は昨日プラントに水をあげませんでした。
I did not water my plants yesterday.
5. 私の父は驚いたようでした。
My father looked surprised.
6. 私はその知らせに心が躍りました。
I felt excited about the news.
7. 母は私に人生について多くを教えてくれました。
My mother told me a lot about life.
8. 父は私にまんがを買ってくれました。
My father bought me comic books.
9. その知らせで私はうれしくなりました。
The news made me happy.
10. 私は教授にたくさんの質問をしました。
I asked my professor a lot of questions.
11. 私は決して母の言葉を忘れません。
I will never forget my mother7s word.
12. 助けてくれる人はほとんどいませんでした。
Few people heloed me.
13. 私は朝早く出て夜遅く帰宅します。
I leave home early in the morniong and come back late at night.
14. 私はサッカーチームに入っていました。
I was on the soccer team.
15. ルームメートと住むには忍耐がいります。
Living with roommates requires patience.
16. 私の責任は毎日犬に餌をやることでした。
My responsibility was to feed the dog every day.
17. 父が私に車の運転の仕方を教えてくれました。
My father showed me how to drive a car.
18. 私は試験に合格するために一生懸命勉強しました。
i studied hard to pass the exam.
19. 私は母が試験に合格したのを聞いてうれしいです。
I am happy to hear that my mother passed the exam.
20. 英語は習得が難しいです。
English is difficult to learn.
21. 彼女は私にもう電話しないように言いました。
She asked me not to call her any more.
22. あの男の子は私の5歳の息子です。
That boy is my five-year-old son.
23. 水は酸素と水素で出来ています。
Water consists of oxygen and hydrogen.
24. 私はあのオフィスで働いています。
I worked in that office.
25. 私は昨年車で京都にいきました 。
I drove to Kyoto last year.
26. 私は彼がここにいるのを知りませんでした。
I did not know that he was here.
27. 私は高校以来英語を勉強していません。
I have not studied English since high school.
28. 私は夫に始めてあったときを覚えています。
I remember that I first met my husband.
29. 私は6歳のときに水泳を習いました。
I learned swimming when I was six years old.
30. 私はエルビスが住んでいた家を訪れました。
I visited the house in which Elvis used to live.
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