僕が作ったtango! botなども同様に、Basic認証を利用していたので、屍と化してしまいました。ですが、tango! botにザオリクを唱えて欲しい(?)というご要望に応えまして、先週末にOAuth認証システムを実装しました。
で、せっかく実装したので、Simple Twitter Botを例にとって僕の実装例を次の場所に置いておきます。参考になるかどうかは甚だ疑問ではありますが、もし何かの参考になれたら幸いです。
#!/usr/bin/env python #! -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from appengine_twitter import AppEngineTwitter from basehandler import BaseHandler, h import twitter import sys, os, pickle from oauthtwitter import * # User Setting and Run Twitter Bot #debug_flag = True debug_flag = False MAX_LEN = 140 SEARCH_TERM = u'"hogehoge" OR foobar' CONSUMER_KEY = "???" CONSUMER_SECRET = "???" KEY_FILE_API = "api_key.dat" KEY_FILE_TWITTER = "twitter_key.dat" BOT_USERNAME = "YOUR_BOT_NAME" BOT_PASSWORD = "???" def oauth_twitter(): access_token = pickle.load(file(KEY_FILE_API)) return OAuthApi(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET, access_token) # twitter.Api.__init__ method for override. def twitter_api_init_gae(self, username=None, password=None, input_encoding=None, request_headers=None): import urllib2 from twitter import Api self._cache = None self._urllib = urllib2 self._cache_timeout = Api.DEFAULT_CACHE_TIMEOUT self._InitializeRequestHeaders(request_headers) self._InitializeUserAgent() self._InitializeDefaultParameters() self._input_encoding = input_encoding self.SetCredentials(username, password) def run(name, pswd, search_term): acc_token = pickle.load(file(KEY_FILE_API)) gae_twitter = AppEngineTwitter() gae_twitter.set_oauth(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET, acc_token.key, acc_token.secret) results = gae_twitter.search(search_term.encode('utf8'), {'rpp': 20}) api = oauth_twitter() escape_user_list = [] escape_user_list.append(name) # Get most corrently tweeted tweet status = api.GetUserTimeline() for s in status: if s.text.startswith("RT"): recent_tweet = s.text break else: print "The following tweet would be posted by hand, so skipped it." print "Tweet: " + s.text.encode('utf8') print print "Recent Tweet: "+recent_tweet.encode('utf8') print # Search Most Recent Tweet results.reverse() flag_enable = 0 for i,result in enumerate(results): rt = "RT [at]" + result['from_user'] + " " + result['text'] rt_len = len(rt) if flag_enable: print "I am going to tweet the tweet above." """ Retweet and exit """ print "I have re-tweeted: "+rt.encode('utf8') print "Result of my re-tweeting: " + str(gae_twitter.update(rt.encode('utf8'))) exit() if recent_tweet.replace("@", "[at]") == rt.replace("@", "[at]"): flag_enable = 1 if flag_enable: print "There are no tweet found that I should tweet." exit() print print "There are no tweets recently tweeted, so tweet the oldest tweet." print for i,result in enumerate(results): rt = "RT [at]" + result['from_user'] + " " + result['text'] rt_len = len(rt) print "I am going to tweet the tweet above." """ Retweet and exit """ print "I have tweeted: "+rt.encode('utf8') print "Result of my re-tweeting: " + str(gae_twitter.update(rt.encode('utf8'))) exit() # overriding API __init__ twitter.Api.__init__ = twitter_api_init_gae # Start to run run(BOT_USERNAME, BOT_PASSWORD, SEARCH_TERM)
This bot runs in the following ways.
1. Search tweets using 'search_term' in Twitter.
2. Re-tweet the tweets.
1. Register your OAuth client on Twitter
URL: http://twitter.com/oauth_clients
* you MUST choose 'client' for Simple Twitter Bot.
2. Run 'python register_pin.py' and
use CONSUMER_KEY and CONSUMER_SECRET you got from the registeration.
3. Change setting variables(e.g. CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET) in main.py
4. Run Google App Engine dev_server and visit the following URL
URL: http://localhost:8080/cron/update
* If you finish all of your setting, set debug_flag in main.py off.
5. Done!
Enjoy developing your own twitter bot!
This bot runs in the following ways.
1. Search tweets using 'search_term' in Twitter.
2. Re-tweet the tweets.
1. Register your OAuth client on Twitter
URL: http://twitter.com/oauth_clients
* you MUST choose 'client' for Simple Twitter Bot.
2. Run 'python register_pin.py' and
use CONSUMER_KEY and CONSUMER_SECRET you got from the registeration.
3. Change setting variables(e.g. CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET) in main.py
4. Run Google App Engine dev_server and visit the following URL
URL: http://localhost:8080/cron/update
* If you finish all of your setting, set debug_flag in main.py off.
5. Done!
Enjoy developing your own twitter bot!
- App Engine Twitter
- python-twitter
- oauth-python-twitter
- Google App Engine
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